Post conference in the Garden at the Musee de Rodin - I am full of good ideas! I have a day to trapse around Paris in the drizzle and see some of the sights.

They have dreaming of Down Under even in Paris!

A rather scary old guy!

Michel Cluizel - according to the NYT Le Tour du Chocolate, this is one of best chocolate shops in Paris.

A pretty cool projected image (moving) onto a big semi-permanent tourist ferris wheel in the center of the city.

Installation art shows about town. These words were crawling all over the building

Two strips of foil, spinning and illuminated - the lite changed and this changed colors like a giant soap bubble!

A blue Eiffel Tower in the fog..
Me and Mona - imperturbable (but just not very close)
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ICIS social event at a musee of carnival rides, old games, and very classic human powered rides
*that thing was FAST!)
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A century old 'pin-ball' game - spin the top and hope it rings the bell!
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