Regent Honeyeater |
I have been down in Sydney for a month now getting ready for classes to start. Just N of Manly is Ku-ring-gai Natl Park in which a small group of the endangered Regent Honeyeater had been reported. I dashed up there on a few occasions and was lucky to see him (a young male I have been told) on a few occasions. We saw Regents in the Blue Mountains in 2008 but did not realize at the time that they were critically endangered (less than 1000 birds) and the focus of large conservation efforts (which are failing).
Spotted Pardalote (Male) |
At the same locale were a pair of wonderful Spotted Pardalotes collecting nesting material for there underground nest/burrow!
Here is Mr......
Spotted Pardalote (Femal) |
and Ms... (note the yellow spots and lighter throat)
I met some birders in one of the small wetlands N or manly who tipped me off to the roost of a Powerful Owl! Never thought I would see one of these guys. Their feet are huge and they take possums with some enthusiam!
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