Saturday, September 14, 2013

217) Escaping the Reality Occuring Across the World

Regent Bowerbird

A one-in-500-year flood in Colorado and we're in (for now) sunny Australia...  As the streets across the Front Range became rivers, the rains in Eldorado continued to fall, our Eldo neighbors were evacuated, our friend's houses were flooded and lost, and our Eldo house poised itself to leap into the rising river, we felt the need to get away from the constant stream of distressing news about which we could do absolutely nothing to help. So we drove up to the rainforest. The Regent Bower Birds are back for the summer and swoop in a flash of yellow quite suddenly out of the mists. 

 A female Regent dispassionately checks out the gene pool....

The mists thickened so a tree with 5 glowing birds really stood out. Here is one who was kind  enough not to show me his back!

 One of the longtime Satin bowerbird bowers still being refined by its architect, a twitterpated male with refined taste in stick placement.
We heard that our Eldo house wisely decided not to get swept away with any of its occupants, (although a big chunk of the yard and our new tree decided to head downstream) so some of our household decided on a nap in the sunshine.

Thanks to Helen for keeping it all together, to Kai and Dave for sending photos, to Quinn for clearing the deck and dealing with power and water in the basement, to whoever it was in years gone by that had the presence of mind to build the retaining wall that saved our house, to Brad for building a 500-year flood-proof deck, and to anyone else who has kindly lent a hand.

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