Variegated Fairy Wren - (male) |
It has been a long interesting winter-"winter" being a bit wimpy here. We have headed out for a few trips but all my photos are in a state of flux - Nikon changed RAW formats such that older software corrupts them. I have a few wonderful pictures from a grand bird survey we participated in down Stanthorpe way, but I can't actually save them in any usable format. Bit frustrating.
But while Nancy has been conferencing in the US, I have made a few local trips. This Variegated male plus his rival (?) and a bevy of females chased around a glade at Terra Nora. Great fun to watch-though I wish the males had posed 1/2 as well as the females! They simply would not sit still for more than 2 seconds!
Variegated Fairy Wren - (female)
It was surprising to see Topknot pigeons down by the water. They are rainforest birds - but it may be pretty cold up there for them now.
This little Striated Heron was busily hunting breakfast by standing on some old oyster-bed posts.
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