Our actual day-to-day existence is much like all of yours - except for those EXTREME leisure barons on perpetual riding/climbing vacation (http://daveandcallie.blogspot.com) or who are riding and climbing around the west (http://shenkfuntimes.blogspot.com/) or "working" by climbing fabulous peaks in RMNP (no blog for her yet....) Anyway, our daily lives are much like yours .. except far less exciting. Far, far, less eventful...
So for a thrill-- and because we have a largish (guest room and all!) empty house we decided to .....
Go furniture shopping! Yah!)

Now for those of you who have NOT had the experience, IKEA is an iconic furniture "DESIGN" store. One does not buy furniture - one obtains designs. Their goal is low prices but their furniture is remarkably well made and well... designed! (You do have to appreciate the Scandinavian school of furniture to like this stuff - they are not big on full leather "Olde English" armchairs or "European, 8 coats of hand-buffed lacquer" tables.) Price seems to come first - they pick a price point and then design the artefact to be functional within that price.
We were agog at this warehouse full of STUFF - it was simply humongous.

Ah - the power of customization!
Well, we didn't go all out - we are getting used to empty space. The place is simply awash in


the people who design 9that word again!) these instructions are good!

So we now have some furniture - or I should say, Molly has some furniture (we get to use it if it is not occupied).
How is that for mundane!

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