I have made a few morning jaunts out to the Hinterland park (about 15 min away) where I heard the contact calls of the Striated Pardalote. These guys are usually WAY up in the canopy feeding on lerps but this pair is excavating a nest tunnel in a stream bank!
So with enough patience I have been able to get capture some great images as they wing about and then come perch above their excavation. Here he is making their very distinctive (and amazingly piercing) contact call. (see http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Pardalotus-striatus - mid-way down right side of page is a audio player)
Often heard but rarely seen Whip Bird dashed by like a streaking shadow!

Emerging from 'the dig'. It will be interesting to see how (and if) they progress on this nesting site. This location is in deep shade so I have to be careful not to annoy them with incessant flash pictures. Else they pack up and move on!
So with enough patience I have been able to get capture some great images as they wing about and then come perch above their excavation. Here he is making their very distinctive (and amazingly piercing) contact call. (see http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Pardalotus-striatus - mid-way down right side of page is a audio player)
Often heard but rarely seen Whip Bird dashed by like a streaking shadow!

Emerging from 'the dig'. It will be interesting to see how (and if) they progress on this nesting site. This location is in deep shade so I have to be careful not to annoy them with incessant flash pictures. Else they pack up and move on!
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