The exciting part of the trip was hearing the endangered Hip pocket Frogs call in the rain (the tadpoles develop in their father's special "hip pockets"). The adult frogs are no bigger than a dime, and we did not see them.

This is an awesome view of Wollumbin (Mt Warning) - or so the sign told us! We were also treated to flights of pigeons (Topknot?) ghosting by in the mists, and what we hope was the call of a Pacific Baza (which we never saw).

Little yellow robins eyeing the Albert's Lyrebird logo and wishing they could sing like that!

I finally did get to see this fellow - a Whipbird. We have heard them everywhere for years but they are really hard get a look at! Hear the call at http://www.songbirds.com.au/about/birds/whipbird or http://home.iprimus.com.au/punkclown/Punkclown/Whipbird.htm
They are famous OZ duet singers with mated pairs combining songs for what sounds like one call of a whip crack.

Another bird we have heard from afar - the Bell Miner. We have heard them for 3 years usually from overlooks when there are groups in the valley below. Their calls are a distinctive "tink' from a distance and it often sounds like there are hundreds all ringing away in the valley.
(for the call see http://home.iprimus.com.au/punkclown/Punkclown/Bellbird.htm)

Comb-crested jacana at Crams farm walking on the Lotus lily pads.

A White breasted wood swallow. Beautiful flyers and there were 5 of them huddled around a very cool mud nest in the rain

Amazing buttressed roots

Lotus flowers at Cram's Farm

Pretty white Eucalypts

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