We had time between semesters and headed north to Darwin and then Kakadu National Park - yet another World Heritage Area in AU. We carefully planned to arrive before "The Buildup" when the monsoons hit but the hot weather arrived 6 weeks early. It was 34 C (95 F) with 80% humidity! But that meant far fewer people.

Immense tracts of wetlands with thousands of birds.....and crocs
Comb-crested Jacana. Look at that foot! (made for lily-pad walking..)

Yes folks, this is serious "Salty" country (Saltwater crocodiles). Ever creek, every river, every lake boasted warning signs. You DO NOT go in the water (except in the Darwin municipal pool - which they check every day!) Remember the temperature here? You don't even get within 2 meters of the water in most places....

On the Yellow River we saw one of these guys every 5 minutes or so....If you *wanted*to, you could have tapped them on the head as they went past the boat!

Kakadu and the neighboring Arnhem Lands are home to amazing galleries of 20-50,000 year old rock art. We went to some less frequented places and were stunned.
We have just started classes, I have to move into a new office space, have papers to revise, reviews to do. Nancy is off at a 3 day class on regional ecosystems - things are a bit busy! We have hundreds of pics to sort and will get a sampling up as we can!
Great stuff, we look forward to more of your world heritage adventure pics & stories!
Yes, nice. Love the birds photos!
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