So here in the glorious start to Twenty-ten, it is a bit disconcerting to go from the wintery snowy mountains of CO and be plunked down on a summery 30 C beach 48 hrs later. From skis, sleds, and down coats to surf boards, boardshorts and bikinis. All our friends and family are again 7000 miles away. Truly weird...

We shift so quickly from the scenery up on Sugarload Mtn, walking through the woods as the snow sifts the scintillating sunlight falling through the trees. Then we soar to the view from the 78th floor of "The Q" - the tallest residential highrise in QLD (with mandatory restaurant on top!) Here, the air is so thick you can see it drift past, colors are muted pastels, and the salt is so heavy in the air you can taste it when you breathe. If you use your imagination, you can see my kite under the red arrow....

From Flickers, Chickadees, Downy Woodpeckers and stately Bald Eagles back in Boulder to Lorikeets, warbling Butcherbirds testing their voices, a raucous gang of Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos wheeling by this morning, and Australian Magpies waiting to see if Molly will come out and play..... (not... the birds are bigger than she is!)

But the water is glorious, sunsets are great, days are as long as they get.

The water is also in a different state here too. Both these "water" sports involve 'face-shots', but only one clears out the sinuses! And has the potential to get eaten!
But right now we are in the doldrums - zero wind forecast for the next week. It's summer It's hot. It's humid. And still, they drive on the left side of the road!

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