Sand Island? So what, you say?... try a recorded 350+ species of birds, dingos, kilometres of (mostly) empty beach, perched freshwater lakes, sandblows, huge Satinay trees and mature rain forests.
After some hassles with our original 4WD hire company ("oh you can't take our 4 wd vehicles to the island over there", we made the 50 minute barge trip (with a vehicle from a different company) across Great Sandy Strait and entered the high- rolling environs of the Kingfisher Bay Resort - we looked at the facilities, realized would never have the where-with-all (or the inclination) to stay there and found the exit road. After dropping the tires to the requisite 20 psi we headed up the hill on to the island.

The island is managed by the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (formerly EPA, formerly Wildlife and Parks). Information indicated that the right-of-way belonged to the birds and animals, and people are supposed to give them room when driving on the beach. These terns were resting after being at sea.

We saw quite a range of birds--from the soaring birds of prey like the White-bellied sea eagles, Whistling Kite, Brahminy Kite and Ospreys, to waders like the busy little Red-capped Plover and Oystercatchers, to forest dwellers like the Brown Cuckoo-Doves and Emerald Doves, to the tiny little Mistletoebird and Red-backed Fairy Wren, to the noisy Whipbird and Rufous and Golden Whistlers, to theTawny Frogmouth, a camoflauged stick-lookalike little owl.

These inland, perched, freshwater lakes are a gorgeous color, similar to glacial lakes, but the water is clear. Apparently, perched lakes are formed when depressions or valleys in the dunes build up with decaying vegetation, and then slowly become filled with water.
Another lake we visited, Lake Wabby, is a Barrage Lake. The wind formed an inland dune that blocked an existing creek, creating a billabong.
A third type of unusual lake on the island that we didn't see is a Window Lake. These are formed when a natural depression in the sand exposes the underlying water table.

Built in 1905 in Scotland, the Maheno was a trans-Tasman luxury liner until 1914. During WWI, it was used as a hospital ship, sailing between Britain, Egypt and France. In 1918, it was returned to the New Zealand - Australia Service, eventually (1935) the ship was purchased by a shipwrecking firm in Osaka, Japan. While being tugged to Japan, the ship went aground during a cyclone. (Information taken from: John and Sue

We felt lucky to be visited by this dingo, who you could swear was just a friendly dog, especially when she did a play bounce as Dirk was running along and stopping to try to snap photos of her. But then your remember they are wild animals, not to be encouraged. We were careful to store all our foodstuffs in the car, but this dingo wandered into our camp and tried to nab the bag containing our pots and pans, (presumably it smelled like food). She dropped it when it rattled noisily and we yelled. Of course there are incidents with tourists, and then the dingo gets "put down."

The Champagne pools north of Indian Head. These are shallow tide fed pools safe for swimming - most of the time. There are big warning signs about not being washed away by big waves while floating in the pools - this place must be a zoo during schoolies week!

Beach jelly - unknown stuff. Probably parts of a jellyfish?

Cooling off in Eli creek - the largest freshwater creek flowing off the island. The ocean is NOT recommended for swimming - bad current and things with lots of teeth. So most folks cool off in the creeks and the interior lakes.
Sweet-smelling incongruous orchids that we found along the trail on a walk. The stems are simply wrapped around the tree.

Looking N from Indian Head to Point Wabby. Both are old volcanic that helped 'anchor' the sand deposition of the island. Our hire company said this was as far as we could take the car as the roads past here get really bad - the island goes another 37 kms north to a lighthouse. The N end is REALLY desolate and rarely visited. Big dunefields, many lakes -- that is the place to go.

This is definitely a room with a view! Another cosy breakfast spot.

The north end of the island is a tailor (large tooth fish) breeding area - there were dozens of fishermen out from dawn to dusk. Their camps were large collections of BIG tents, tarps, piles of gear and, most important, flags with beer, rum or pirate logos! Though these camps looked like party hotspots for the man-crowd, we passed on by. We could just hear them thinking (sitting on the bumpers of their humongo 4 wd) "Eh mate, did ye' ever see such a cute little toy-car?"

Some beautiful Satinay trees in the Pile Valley. These were logged until the 1980's for furniture. Now it is an amazing

What is surprising is that a forest this complex can exist on sand. Other than a few rocky outcrops - this island started as pure sand. So all nutrient have to come from the minerals on the sand grains and rain/sea spray. Fungi make these nutrients available to larger plants. It is an astounding ecosystem - Nancy will be spending some time reading up on the research into this process.
There are also large "sandblows" on the island, where huge fields of dunes are appear in the middle of forested areas. Studies at UQ indicate that some of these dune fields are stabilizing in size with a few advancing at 3 m year (burying trees, filling lakes).

We slipped, fishtailed, whumpped, wallowed, whanged, sluiced, floundered, lurched and generally bounced our way through the Morgue (with the others cheering us on!), bounded around corners are really hoped no one was coming the other way! As you will hear below -
I-was-NOT-stopping! Its a long rough hill to get to the dingo fence above the resort where the ferry comes in.

"It was Beiral, the great god who lived in the sky, who made all the people. But the people had no land. So Yendingie, Beiral's messenger, came down from the sky and first he made the sea and then he made the land. When he reached what is now called Hervey Bay, he had a helper with him - the beautiful white spirit, called Princess K'Gari. She helped Yendingie to make everything. They made the sea shores and the mountain ranges, and all the beautiful lakes and rivers. The Princess K'Gari enjoyed what she was doing so much that she worked very hard. Yendingie told her that she should have rest otherwise she would be too tired. He suggested that she go over to some rocks and have a sleep, and she did. When Princess K'Gari awoke, she said to Yendingie, "I think this is the most beautiful place we have ever made. Please Yendingie, I would like to stay here forever". Yendingie said, "Oh no, I could not allow you to do that. You are a spirit and your place is with me". But K'Gari pleaded with him and he finally relented. But Yendingie said that he had to change her as she could not remain there in her spirit form. So he changed her into a beautiful island, and then so that she wouldn't be lonely, he made some trees and some flowers and lakes that were specially mirrored so that she could look into the sky and see what Yendingie was doing. He made beautiful creeks and laughing waters that were to become her voice. And as well as birds and animals, he made some people to keep her company. Now he told these people who they were and what they had to do. He also taught them the magic of procreation so that their children and their children's children would always be there to keep Princess K'Gari company. And she is still there today, looking up at the sky and very happy indeed."

The easy creek crossing at Eli Creek (at low tide - this gets impassable as the water comes in)
Bouncing up the hill after clearing "The Morgue"
Great entry! Looks like a really fun trip. Very cool bee eater birdies...
The birds there continue to blow me away!
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