We parked on the street and peered over the edge - a row of concrete bollards for TR anchors festoon the cliff edge, a narrow park lies along the river, complete with barbies,

We navigated the approach without incident (I might add we lost our guidebook some where in the house so this was no mean feat. Reminiscent of getting to 3rd Pillar of Dana. Here is Nancy on "the approach")

It is mostly sport routes - some with gear. But the common "carrot bolts" make it seem more like sketchy trad climbing. It is an old quarry so there are a few drill hole holds and the rock is pretty solid. Very crimpy with the occasional snarly finger chewing pocket. There is a consistent horizontal joint pattern - many of the holds are large but ever-so-slightly sloping out.

But some of the newer AU climbers take their new-wave bolting quite seriously! You can wrap an entire runner around these bad boys. Not too many routes in this area so we are going to got back for some firsts.

When the weather gets hot the river offers a pleasant respite. But I think night climbing is where its a. Unlike the famous Eldo night ascents, you don't even have to bring your own headlamp!

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