Molly seemed chipper and meowed hello to us visitors, although she was unwilling to emerge from her "igloo" with it's heated mat (since it's "open air" housing and winter time) to let us hold her.
However, in subsequent email correspondence with Naomi, Molly's caretaker in Quarantine, she says that "Molly continues to do very well here in quarantine. She is still eating very well, toileting ok and has become a very social girl. She seems quite happy and settled into her surroundings."
We're glad about the toileting part, but hope she's not enjoying herself too much! Because we can't wait 'til Molly rejoins us after her sentence ends on June 8. We should have signed Molly up as a frequent flyer, she'll have to fly up here to the Coolingatta from Sydney for the last leg of her journey.
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