Monday, May 20, 2013

213) Additional Bowra Birds

Red capped Robin
These guys are just irresistible!

This would seem to be Spotted Bowerbird country. There were 2 bowers at the cottage on the property and we saw many more out in the bush. Note the purple nuchal crest which is fanned out when the bird gets excited.

Sunset on the Lagoon where the Black-winged Stilts elegantly prowled about.

Someone didn't get the memo!

Early morning lineup of Wood swallows

A Common Bronzewing displays the source of his name!

A male Mistletoe bird singing away - note the elongated and very erect posture.

As the property was quite dry we spent some time at the oxbow lakes watching birds arriving for an afternoon drink. In this one the poor fish were half-exposed due to really low water - they would be raptor food soon. This female Mulga Parrot enjoyed the water - but the quantity of suspended clay in the water made us reject the option of a refreshing swim!

A Sittella looking for bugs! (this may go in Dirk's forth coming Guide to Identifying Australian Bird-butts)

A pair of Hooded Robins in our camp

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