Friday, October 9, 2009

84.) KI - more pics

Stunning lighting prior to a Cape Borda sunset.

Dirk took lots of pretty pictures we needed to share. There's a few stories here, but mostly nice pictures.

Remarkable sunrise lighting at the Remarkable Rocks

With windy cool weather came dramatic ocean conditions!

.... and a great time chasing rainbows! Stop here and shoot? Keep going and hope to get this over the rocks? Decisions, decisions.....

Before it was an island, KI was connected to Mainland Australia.

The pretty springtime flowers weren't exceedingly abundant, but when we took the time to look around in the forests, the flowers we found were quite beautiful.

A Little Blue Penguin coming home in the evening

Albino 'roo at the Parndarna Wildlife refuge. This guy/gal probably wouldn't last too long in the wild!

Superb Fairy Wren at Cape Borda. Just because there were quite a few of these irridescent blue birds flitting around, wagging their fetching fantails, it doesn't make them any less handsome!

Cape Barren Geese hanging out in Flinders Chase National Park near the Postman's Cottage (our wonderful Heritage accommodation). They'd quack at us disturbing them as we made our way from the cottage to the separate "loo" in the middle of the dark night!

The creek out of Snake Lagoon.

The ruins at at the Bay where supplies were landed for the lighthouse keepers. The lighthouse at Cape Coudic was quite remote - supplies were landed by boat - at the base of a 70m cliff? The channel (left) was cut in the rock to ease the haul of supplied from the jetty using a 'flying fox" - a horse-driven winch in a tower. (see

There were several little cottage industries, working hard at making a go of it. Here we are at the Kangaroo Island Lavender Farm, where all things were lavender, including soap, essential oil, chocolates and scones! The charming couple that ran the farm were so nice and friendly. We wandered among the fragrant lavender bushes, and sampled the lavender fudge, and purchased some calming lavender soap and oil. The sweet woman running the farm is eager to release her next line of lavender flower bath milk The milk smooths your skin, and the lavender, of course, smells divine! Because they don't have a tub in their house on KI, she had to use her vacation to Adelaide to conduct the thorough bath milk testing! We also visited the self-sufficient Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil distillery (it is run on solar, steam and wind power) the "Island Pure" small sheep farm where we found delicious feta and manchego cheese, and visited Clifford's Honey farm, home of the world's only pure strain of friendly and industrious Ligurian bees, for the honey ice cream and beeswax candles.

Just on a note - I don't think I have ever been to a place where they had to tell visitors -----
not to drink water in the toilets......

A Hooded Plover at Stokes Bay. Only 200 or so nesting on the Island.

Heading home on the ferry

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