Nancy and I went back out to our little Hinterland Rainforest patch to spy out the Noisy Pitta. He was cooperative and came out from beneath the low shrubs under which he usually hides. We hope he find enough to eat and decides to spend the winter!

Claire ( a fellow birder) snapped this shot of Big lens; small bird, down in Sundown. Quite fun, and unusual to have a robin come this close.
Here he is with minimal cropping!
Red Capped Robin

A local Chestnut Mannikin
A scarlet honey eater - another of the high canopy birds I am still trying to get close to.
This female Spotted Pardalote came to look at me after I 'pished' (basically a shushing sound) but then stayed on this close branch for minutes displaying body language which I would only call 'curiosity' as the shutter clicked away! Quite endearing.

Claire ( a fellow birder) snapped this shot of Big lens; small bird, down in Sundown. Quite fun, and unusual to have a robin come this close.
Here he is with minimal cropping!
Red Capped Robin

A local Chestnut Mannikin
A scarlet honey eater - another of the high canopy birds I am still trying to get close to.
This female Spotted Pardalote came to look at me after I 'pished' (basically a shushing sound) but then stayed on this close branch for minutes displaying body language which I would only call 'curiosity' as the shutter clicked away! Quite endearing.