We see such remarkable birds around Australia, we really are lucky to see them in this country. Sometimes we need to simply stop and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and the life that is in all the brilliant colours of the rainbow.

A regent bowerbird with a piercing gaze--how is it that nature makes eyes to match the colour of cloaking feathers? Or is it the other way around? We rarely see these birds outside of O'Reilly's picnic ground at Lamington, despite their vivid plumage. Whereas last year when Glenn and Carolyn visited, these birds were numerous, this year we saw few. Perhaps last year, because of the torrential rains, the birds were hungrier and looking for handouts? Who knows...

The luminous Rufous Fantail absolutely glows like a bright flame when lit by sunbeams in the deep green rainforest. Dancing about, flitting from branch to branch, foraging for insects, tail spread wide like a Japanese fan, these birds are a delight to spot.

A rare visit (the only one we've seen!) to the baths on our deck from a multi-hued Pale-headed Rosella. We'd like to attract more of these birds, but we've only seen a few of them in our neighbourhood--this is only the second. The other bird was eating seeds from the overgrown grasses in our yard some time ago--another good reason not to mow the grass. They seem to prefer more woodland/grassland/farmland areas than suburbia--I can relate.

A "cheeky" bird, with dramatically contrasting regal crimson and royal blue plumage aptly named the Crimson rosella,
Platycercus elegans. These birds are another rainforest inhabitant, perhaps it's easier spot each other when you're not shy in your fashion colour statement?

A resplendent rainbow from our trip to the West MacDonnell Ranges in the centre Red Heart of Australia.