Dirk went birding on his own, since Nancy was attending a climate change conference in Brisbane, and found a prize Scarlet Honeyeater!
Here I wish I had bigger glass - all the old bird pros say you can get great photos with a 300 mm - you just have to sneak up on them. But these guys stay WAY up in the canopy. There is no way to get closer - you also don't get many chances - this is the first we have ever seen even though they are not particularly unusual.

With chicks in the nest! (at least I think that is the chick!)

A pied cormorant keeping his eye on us

The week's vegetable supply from a morning visit to the glorious farmer's market! Remember that we just passed the Winter Solstice? There are some benefits from living in a subtropical locale! It's difficult not to "impulse" buy veggies when they're this beautiful!

You can't see me if I can't see you, right?!

So many birds to see - can't wait till spring when things get a bit more active. Though one of the locals told us she had ID'ed 72 species that morning (we only had 34). I can only get photos of 20% or so ---