Sunday, June 14, 2015

256) More reports from NZ

Time passes and the real world intrudes - the stories fade as do the memories of those places. I had see a picture of this gorge somewhere and we spend a good morning searching for the entrance. Magical place - so I'm not sayin'......


The Kokako on Tiri Tiri was great to find. Very few breeding pairs anywhere and many of those in really deep forest, We saw them on our first day and again as we explored the island. This pair came too close for my big lens!!

They have the most marvelous song..

Hihi (Stichbird)

The Hihi was found around feeders which supplement their food. The revegetation on the island (a former cow pasture) is not mature enough to support the nectar feeders -- so sugar water stations are located around. The entrance holes are quite small to keep the larger birds away.
Note the leg bands - most of the endangered species are banded for identification - many even have names!

Kakariki (Red-crowned Parakeet)

North Island Robin
 This is one of the three NZ parakeets. All are endanger in the wild but this species breeds well in captivity. They are doing well on the island  and are seen in long looping flights near the  ocean.

The robin are great fun - like Ozzie robins they are quite curious - if you scuff up the trail they come in to see if you have found lunch!
Very serious sailors in NZ. There were quite a few pretty high-end racing yachts around.